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Ohidul Islam
Ohidul Islam

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Consensys has requested a delay in IRS crypto reporting regulations

Consensys, a leading blockchain development firm, has recently requested the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to delay the implementation of new crypto tax reporting regulations. The proposed regulations aim to require brokers and exchanges to report certain cryptocurrency sales, but Consensys argues that the rules lack clarity and impose an excessive burden on entities that do not traditionally have reporting obligations.

Consensys criticizes the draft Form 1099-DA for lacking clear instructions on how to complete the form, particularly for brokers. This lack of clarity could lead to confusion and errors in reporting, which could result in penalties and fines. Additionally, the proposed regulations define a broker too broadly, potentially classifying various entities facilitating crypto transactions, including software developers like Consensys, as brokers. This could result in multiple parties reporting the same transaction, causing complications and confusion.

Consensys also notes that developers of self-custody wallets like MetaMask may not have access to all the information required to fill out the transaction reporting forms, potentially compromising user privacy. This could lead to a situation where users are forced to disclose sensitive information, which could be used for malicious purposes. Furthermore, Consensys argues that the regulations would place a significant burden on businesses, particularly those that do not traditionally have reporting obligations. The firm believes that providing software developers with a form that requires manual inputs would be impractical and could lead to the destruction of U.S. companies.

The regulations are set to take effect soon, with the tax filing deadline approaching rapidly. Consensys believes that businesses do not have sufficient time to adjust to the new reporting requirements, which could lead to noncompliance penalties. Other prominent industry participants, such as the Crypto Council for Innovation (CCI), have also voiced concerns about the impracticality of classifying unhosted wallet providers as brokers. The CCI notes that these entities do not possess complete transaction details or user identities, making it difficult for them to comply with the reporting requirements.

The IRS has been actively engaging with the crypto industry, with plans to make public criminal tax-evasion cases involving cryptocurrency. This increased scrutiny is part of the agency's efforts to address significant tax compliance deficiencies relating to cryptocurrencies and other digital assets.

The proposed regulations have significant implications for the crypto industry. If implemented, they could lead to increased compliance costs and administrative burdens for businesses. Additionally, the lack of clarity and overly broad definitions could result in confusion and errors in reporting, which could have legal and financial consequences.

In conclusion, Consensys' request for a delay in the implementation of the new crypto tax reporting regulations highlights the need for the IRS to provide clearer guidelines and definitions. The proposed regulations, as they stand, could lead to significant challenges for businesses and potentially compromise user privacy. As the regulatory landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial that the IRS works closely with the industry to ensure that regulations are practical and effective in promoting compliance and transparency.

Top comments (1)

abdur_rehmaan_ profile image
Abdur Rehman

Also asking the IRS to delay the new crypto tax rules, saying they’re too confusing and put too much burden on developers.